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Random Forays: Time to Revive the Rest Day in Life

The kind of existence that most of us lead in this slam-bang cling-clang era makes one wonder whether we have the slightest inkling of why we are here at all! Many of us tend to hurtle aimlessly with career-related targets in mind and a vague “bucket list” that usually consists of unattainable goals.
The advent of a new year, or at least of a leap year, should prompt us to pause, reflect, think and lie awake in wonderment. “What is the purpose of my life? Does my journey need course-correctives?” Such philosophical queries should cross our minds once in a while, should they not?
But we tend to stay awake overthinking about why so and so said this or that to us, why the neighbour is leading a more cushy life or why the boss won’t bestow a promotion upon us. Yes, human beings are subject to fluctuations and downsides in life and indeed it is natural to brood over them. But to pause in mid race and allow oneself a breather might be just what the almighty ordered!
The tortoise won the race against the hare in the fabled contest, but we have to be a combo of both approaches. Perseverance towards one’s larger goals is a hearty quality to possess, but to mindlessly pursue one’s passion or job without a periodical reflective hiatus might not be a winning strategy.
Even a single day of “sacrificing” one’s material pursuits in favour of 24 hours of non-digital, rejuvenating and meditative existence might work in one’s favour. We have to remember the woodcutter who needed to sharpen his axe, but was madly involved in the energy sapping process of cutting as much wood as he could. We need to choose between repeated churn-outs that lead only to burn-outs and a “steady the ship” approach, which might enable us to live healthier, more fulfilling lives
The sport of Test cricket exemplifies a calmer, unhurried, ideology, even today. Yet, even this last bastion of times gone by, a la the olden melodies from eras bygone, has had to undergo several transformations. All in the name of accommodating the need for speed and to stay “sexy” in a way. Gone are the runners for injured batsmen, the plain white unblemished clothing kits and umpires in long white coats. Also gone with the wind are the rest days which used to act as interludes in the midst of titanic tussles.
One appreciates the fact that such mutations have been necessitated by the demands of today. Yet, one insists, dear reader, that the rest days of life itself need to be brought back into vogue. When was the last time you and family had spent a whole day lazing and conversing without any impertinent intruders like digital gizmos around?
A wholesome day of ideation while eschewing the inordinate habit of worrying and scurrying, might work wonders for anyone. Human beings cannot be programmed even by God to work for 365 days a year or seven days a week. The day of Sabbath, a biblical concept, was meant to be a day of prayer and hopefully meditation. And Sundays are the modern day progeny of those days of Sabbath. But what do we actually do on our Sundays? Even some harmless tomfoolery with the kids would be preferable to the present day mode of making every minute count and not letting FOMO (fear of missing out) ever strike!
Another saying from the Bible is “the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath!” This was meant as a mild warning to not treat Sabbath as a burden. But the modern day man and woman can modify this quote to remind themselves that they do not need to wait for Sundays either. Do not allow those earned leaves to lapse! Pause and rejuvenate on any day of the week when you need it, and any week of the year when you feel like it. Subject to approval by the ubiquitous boss, of course!
To paraphrase resilience expert, Mark Black, relaxation is sometimes the most productive “activity” that we can indulge in. Beyond a point the human mind just refuses to function. The only option is to allow it to rest a while, most regularly!
